About Us
The Wells Snowmobile Club is a registered not for profit society made up of a local group of like-minded
individuals, whose goal is to promote snowmobiling; prioritizing safety, stewardship, land use planning,
tourism and the preservation of snowmobiling for future generations in the Cariboo.
Funded by club memberships, local sponsors and grants, the club hosts a variety of community events
including Membership Drives, Poker Rides, a Family Day Event and other group activities. These
activities provide funds to run the club and also donate to local charities.
Numerous volunteer hours are spent maintaining over 100 km of trails for year-round use. Upkeep of
the area consists of dealing with dangerous trees, clearing and brushing trails, posting signage, grooming
alpine access trails and the upkeep on the club cabin at Groundhog Lake which is available for anyone’s
The Wells Snowmobile Club is partnered with British Columbia Snowmobile Federation (BCSF), the voice
of snowmobiling in B.C. since 1965.